Macaulay2 in the Sciences

Registration for this event

Your academic title
Your given name(s)
Your last name
What pronouns do you use? Pronouns will be included on your name tag. See for an explanation.
The name of your university or company (will be displayed on your name button and on the WWW page)
Your department in your university or company
ZIP code of your university or company
City of your university or company
Address (street, P.O. Box) of your university or company
Country of your university or company
Please double-check your email as we will use it for further communication. If you provide more than one email address, please seperate each by a comma.
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requests or restrictions
What is your level of experience with Macaulay2? (Note that no prior experience is necessary for participating)
Which of the following projects is your top choice?
MPI MiS can offer limited funding for travel and/or accommodation expenses. Please let us know what you would like to apply for.