The 11th Conference of the Fachgruppe Computeralgebra

Registration for this event

Your given name(s)
Your last name
The name of your university or company (will be displayed on your name button and on the WWW page)
Your department in your university or company
City of your university or company
Address (street, P.O. Box) of your university or company
Country of your university or company
Please double-check your email as we will use it for further communication. If you provide more than one email address, please seperate each by a comma.
Please choose from Student, PhD-student, Researcher or Teacher.
If you are a student/PhD-student, please give your subject and supervisor.

Do you want to attend the conference dinner (based on individual payment)?
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requests or restrictions

Do you wish to give a talk?
Title of the talk
Fill in the abstract or load a PDF file with the abstract
Please write down a short statement describing your funding situation.
Name of a reference person
Email(s) of your reference person
Please list your expected travel expenses here.